17 degrees is a little cold
When you go to the snow you expect the beautiful white fluffy stuff covering the forest while kids play with their sleds on little slopes and everyone has a grand old time. The sun is shining, people are jolly, its like the best summer resort around, except with snow. Yeah right.
IT IS STINKING COLD OUT HERE! Day time is not so bad (52 degrees and not a cloud in the sky). But night time drops down to somewhere between "I can't feel my nose" and "Is that squirrel frozen to the tree?". 17 degrees. What is 17 degrees? Darn cold is what it is.
With the exception of a few years ago when the city I live in recorded a low of 14 degrees, this is the coldest I have ever been. My kids have never seen or experienced cold like this. This is such a new experience.
Anyway, I took a few photos, some with my new PalmOne Treo 650 (what a cool freakin' phone) and some with our digital camera. See if you can spot the difference...
Our snow extravaganza

Let's start first with a picture of our resort. My wife picked a great place for us. Lots of space for the kids, close to everything, nice tree views. And it comes with it's own "slush mountain" as the kids have affectionly named it...

So we took a walk and I got photo happy. Here a couple of mountain shots I thought you'd like. I am ending it here because, after all, I am on vacation. I will try to put more up tomorrow because we will get lots of pictures from our snow day today. Until then, enjoy these views with me...

IT IS STINKING COLD OUT HERE! Day time is not so bad (52 degrees and not a cloud in the sky). But night time drops down to somewhere between "I can't feel my nose" and "Is that squirrel frozen to the tree?". 17 degrees. What is 17 degrees? Darn cold is what it is.
With the exception of a few years ago when the city I live in recorded a low of 14 degrees, this is the coldest I have ever been. My kids have never seen or experienced cold like this. This is such a new experience.
Anyway, I took a few photos, some with my new PalmOne Treo 650 (what a cool freakin' phone) and some with our digital camera. See if you can spot the difference...
Our snow extravaganza

Let's start first with a picture of our resort. My wife picked a great place for us. Lots of space for the kids, close to everything, nice tree views. And it comes with it's own "slush mountain" as the kids have affectionly named it...

So we took a walk and I got photo happy. Here a couple of mountain shots I thought you'd like. I am ending it here because, after all, I am on vacation. I will try to put more up tomorrow because we will get lots of pictures from our snow day today. Until then, enjoy these views with me...

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