Dedicated (like a boy, not a server)
Today was "Dedicating the boy at church" day. Those of you that know me (or that read this) know that I can be clearly described as at least two things: a devout Christian and a committed geek. [EDITOR'S NOTE: Those that know me really well may use a few, more colorful monikers to describe me, but let's try to stay clear of that discussion until the kids go to sleep. ;)] That being said, I couldn't pass up the chance at a title like today's.
Dedicating a boy
So this morning, at the 11:00 AM service at Jubilee Christian Center (no I didn't design the site, though I would love the chance) we dedicated our son to the Lord. This is a tradition in the Judeo Christian faith dating back to the Jews and their dedication of the children to God in the Temple with the child was eight days old. Jesus Himself was dedicated (not to be confused with baptized) at the age of eight days old. So, following in His footsteps, we do the same.
In fact, as I told the church this morning, that all of our four daughters had been dedicated on a Jubille stage. It was kinda neat, so I thought I would share a few photos of the event.
Yet again, all together. All very tired. All wanting to not take any more pictures.
Dedicating a boy
So this morning, at the 11:00 AM service at Jubilee Christian Center (no I didn't design the site, though I would love the chance) we dedicated our son to the Lord. This is a tradition in the Judeo Christian faith dating back to the Jews and their dedication of the children to God in the Temple with the child was eight days old. Jesus Himself was dedicated (not to be confused with baptized) at the age of eight days old. So, following in His footsteps, we do the same.
In fact, as I told the church this morning, that all of our four daughters had been dedicated on a Jubille stage. It was kinda neat, so I thought I would share a few photos of the event.

So enjoy the pictures. I would tell you all about our reception, but I would spend hours with all of the things that my wife and I had to go through to get our house ready for a party. That's tiring me out just thinking about it.
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