The Gonzalez Family Herald

Headlines and commentary from a Northern California family of seven.

Friday, May 26, 2006

WOW! That's All. WOW!

So my oldest daughter (you know, the one who runs the blog Sarah Said?) had her swimming team time trials tonight. This is the first timed swim of the year and is used to determine what competitive groups a swimmer will be put in throughout the season. Well, I gotta tell you, I was floored by how much she impoved from last year. Take a look...

Freestyle 2005: 34.48 Seconds
Freestyle 2006: 25.51 Seconds

Breast 2005: 48.71 Seconds
Breast 2006: 37.27 Seconds

Butterfly 2005: 1:00.51 Seconds
Butterfly 2006: 37.24 Seconds

Backstroke 2005: 35.84 Seconds
Backstroke 2006: 32.12 Seconds

Look at that. Tell me that is not a major improvement over last year. In fact, to add to the WOW factor, my daughter finished first in two of the four heats she swam in. First! Man, I really can't think of any other words outside of WOW!

Sarah isn't the only wower in the house
My second daughter has taken to drawing recently. It stemmed from her fascination with horses and her desire to run a horse farm. Well, she used her own money to buy a horse drawing book from a bookstore. And she started drawing. And now she can draw almost anything. I will scan some pictures that she has done and post them as soon as I can. They are imressive.

My third daughter has taken to reading a writing like a fish to water. I think that I have posted about her ability to read before. But she is getting crazy with it. And now she has taken to writing. A couple of weeks ago she wrote a short story (complete with illustrations) titles 'Detective Anna'. And I gotta tell you, it was very good. As soon as I find all the pages to the story I will try to get it up here. It is amazing.

Anyway, it has been a long day and I've not much more to say so I am going to get on my way.


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